Ethan Hawke: Rules for a Knight

Rules for a Knight

Author: Ethan Hawke
Number of Pages: 192 pages
Published Date: 12 Nov 2015
Publisher: Cornerstone
Publication Country: London, United Kingdom
Language: English
ISBN: 9780091959579
Download Link: Click Here

'Never announce you are a Knight, simply behave as one. You are better than no one, and no one is better than you.' When Sir Thomas Lemuel Hawke was a boy, his grandfather taught him how to be a knight. Now, on the eve of a battle from which he fears he may not return, Sir Thomas writes a letter to his children so that he may pass on all his hard-won lessons, deepest aspirations and most instructive failures. Full of adventure and wit, the letter provides a guide for living a good and noble life - a reminder that without a little agony none of us would bother to learn a thing; that we must work together as brothers or perish together as fools; that a friend loves you because you are true to yourself, not because you agree with him. And, most importantly, it shows that there is no obstacle that enough love cannot move.